About Dr. Marvin Porter
All-N-One Therapy is your One-Stop Agency

Hello! I’m Dr. Marvin Porter
Licensed Therapist
My strengths lie in my insights. The more ideas I have in Psychology and human behavior makes me a more valuable asset to my clients. During the past 30 years, field experience included working with families while I was in the military, working in the Child Protection Unit after the military, and now operating my practice in mental health since the year 2000. Every day I see aspects of human behavior that could have come straight from a Psychology handbook. My strength also lies in my pride of ownership in my practice. Having my practice has taught me many transferable skills, including excellent levels of concentration and exceptional organizational skills. Correspondingly, the experience I have gained in dealing with the public and colleagues has proven invaluable. I have always been passionate about Psychology. When I am not filling my time working or studying, I enjoy keeping fit in the gym and maintaining my 30 plus years’ experience in martial arts and playing chess.
My Approach & Values
I use an eclectic approach to psychotherapies: Rational-Emotive, Person-Centered, Cognitive-Behavior, and Faith-Base, and others.
All psychotherapies are methods of learning intended to change people: to make them think differently (cognition), to make them feel differently (affection), and to make them act differently (behavior). That is why my approach to treatment is wide-reaching.
My Education
A Doctorate in Counseling Psychology – Argosy University; EdS Degree in Counseling Psychology, Florida State University; MS Degree in Psychology, Florida State University; MS Degree in Human Relations and Business Management, Webster College; BS Degree in Business Management, University of Tampa; AS Degree in Data Processing and Computer – Business University of Tampa.
My Experience
My organizational membership and certification past and present include Certification as School guidance and Counselor, Health & Life Insurance, Real Estate, HIV Training, Mental Health Counselor # MH 7058, Medicaid Provider, Comp Assessments, National Custody Evaluator, Licensed Adult Clinical Sexual Violence, Licensed Juvenile Clinical Sexual Violence, Licensed Batterers Intervention Program Assessor/Facilitator, member of the Florida Supreme Court Certified Family and Dependency Mediator, Member of American Psychotherapy Association (APA), member of Association of Family Court, and member of the National Association of Forensic Counselors (NAFC).
I am concerned with helping you achieve your goals of a better life. You are so much more than just a diagnosis. I work with people, not disorders. Your not a disorder your so much more.
I Work With Individuals, Couples, Families, & Groups

Individual Therapy
Individual counseling is helpful for a variety of reasons, such as enhancing communication skills, improving the use of healthy coping skills, and individual self-awareness.

Couples Therapy
Couples therapy generally is to help two people involved in a romantic relationship gain insight into their relationship, resolve conflict, and improve relationship satisfaction.

Group Therapy
Group therapy helps individuals develop communication skills and socialization skills, and allows clients to learn how to express their issues and accept criticism from others.
Contact Me
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For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital